The White Screamer – White Bluff, TN

There have been quite a few sightings of The White Screamer. Listed below are the few that have been recorded.

Occurence One

There was a man who lived on Taylor Town Road He had gone deer hunting earlier in the day and had killed a nice buck. He had gutted him and had him hanging high from a large tree in the back of his home. The guts had been placed in a wash tub and was sitting out near the woods to be disposed of later.

That night was rather cool and the man was restless; he grabbed his guitar and was sitting out on his front porch strumming quietly. He was known in the area for having some excellent coon dogs. He had them penned up behind his home as well. As he sat quietly playing the guitar, an uneasy feeling came over him. Something was wrong, but he couldn’t place what it was. He stopped playing and just sat listening. He realized there was no sound other than his breathing. The crickets and frogs and all the night creatures had stopped moving. There was dead silence. Suddenly, the dogs came running from around the back of the house. This was strange because he knew they were locked up tight. There was no way they could have gotten out. He laid his guitar down beside him, and started to get up. Upon further inspection he saw that his hunting dogs had their tails tucked under their bodies. They went straight to the opening that leads under the house. He looked in the direction from which they had come and suddenly their appeared the most horrible thing he had ever seen.

The street light illuminated a creature that was nearly as tall as the basketball goal. It had long white stringy hair. No sooner had he seen it than it let out a cry like a baby that grew in intensity. The hair on the back of his neck was standing on end. The scream was now a high pitch. The thing was after his dogs and was headed straight for him. He was frozen in fear. He tried to move but his body was as if he were paralyzed. The white creature was moving toward him slowly at first. Then his greatest fear was realized, the creature stopped and looked straight at him. At this point he knew if he didn’t move this thing would be on him in a matter of seconds.

He could hear the creature as it leaped for the porch. It apparently hit the railing and stumbled, giving him time to get to the door. He pushed the door open and rushed inside. He could hear the hoofs strapping the wooden boards of the porch, as the creature scrambled to get up. He was trying to close the door but realized the rug was in the door keeping it from closing. He kept pushing, the muscles in his body were trembling from the force he was using. All the while, the noise outside the door was getting closer. He took his foot and started pulling on the rug as he lessened the pressure he was putting on the door. The door finally closed and he clicked the lock. He no more than turned the lock than the creatures claws started scraping across the wood. There was a small window in the top of the door. He looked to see the creature was looking back at him. The screams he heard were rattling the glass in every window. The creature was trying to get in. All night long it paced back and forth across the porch stopping at windows slashing the screens with its claws. The white creature had hooves on its hind legs and stood upright and walked around, it could also walk on all fours using its almost human looking hands with razor sharp claws. The eyes he noticed were red. His family was upstairs sleeping soundly. He didn’t know why they didn’t hear the screams and come to investigate. He sat in the front room all night holding his rifle waiting for the creature to find a way to get in. As the sun started to come up, he realized he didn’t hear anything. All was quiet. He waited until the sun was up and went out with his rifle in hand to investigate. On the porch he found pieces of the screens that had been ripped from his windows. His guitar was found unharmed, but had a slimy substance on it as if the creature had picked it up and laid it aside. Upon further investigation he saw hoof prints where the creature had entered his yard. The hoof prints lead up to the deer that had once been hanging from the tree.

The wash tub was later found deep in the woods licked clean. The pen where his dogs had been kept had been ripped apart from the top. He found where the animals had dug under on the opposite side barely making their escape from certain death. He feels the smell of the deer and the tub of guts may have led the creature to his home. The dogs must have sensed the danger as they saw it come up and take the deer. They began their dig and barely reached safety before it reached them. The creature might have made more of an effort to reach the man and animals had it not already eaten the deer. The man still lives in his home, his children are grown and have since left. Although that night always stays in his mind, he has not seen the creature now known as the white screamer again.

Occurrence Two

The White Screamer Lives On

Back in 1983, I used to go fishing every evening. My husband and I would load up with a bucket of minnow and crawdads and head off to Turn Bull. We would park in a pasture and walk down to the water. We would always start at the same spot and if the fish weren’t biting we would move on down. We were rather inpatient, so we would always find ourselves walking farther and farther down the creek. One evening we had gone farther than we had ever gone before. We didn’t realize how far we had gone and it was starting to get dark. I told him we should dump the minnows and head back. He said to hold on he was getting a bite. I sat down and waited. He was getting a bite all right.

The fish bit and ran with the hook, tangling the line in a tree that was hidden under the water. He decided to go in and see if he could untangle the line. I was getting restless, the dark was moving in on us. He told me to relax; we can just follow the water back to the truck. My husband is an excellent swimmer so I didn’t worry about him going into the water. He could hold his breath longer than anyone I had ever known. I sat and watched as he went under to find his line. He came up for air and went under again. This time he didn’t come back up. I was starting to panic. As I got up to see if I could see him, he grabbed me from behind. He had swam under the water to a bend in the creek and had climbed out and snuck around behind me. I screamed and told him that wasn’t funny. While laughing he said lets head back now. He dumped the bait and we gathered

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