Marietta Castle – Marietta, OH

The Castle in Marietta, Ohio, has become a local landmark known for hosting the “Traditions of Halloween” event that details The Castle’s many strange occurrences. Its a large home built in the Gothic Revival style, The home was originally built in 1855 by abolitionist attorney Melvin C. Clarke, who only lived there for three years. At that point, he sold the property to John Newton, a businessman connected to the Marietta Bucket Factory. Newton turned the estate into a grand spot for entertainment and personal pleasure. When he died in 1886, the property was sold to newspaper publisher E.W. Nye for $7,000.

Eventually, the house was inherited by Nye’s unmarried granddaughter, Jessie Davis Lindsay Jessie Davis Lindsay was 55 when she became owner castle and slowly becoming a recluse. There was rumors about her being a witch. It was her home until 5 days before her 100th birthday, February 14, 1974.

Many years later, the city of Marietta took ownership of The Castle as a historic landmark, the Castle, now on the National Register of Historic Places is opened to the public. But disturbing reports began to filter out about ghostly activity inside the house. Mysterious temperature drops, doors closing and locking by themselves, and the sounds of disembodied voices all figured into eyewitness accounts. Many people believe that The Castle’s ghost is none other than Jessie Lindsay, the old spinster whom gossip has labeled a witch.

It is said her ghost , still walks the floors of the building. People who have been in the home have seen a woman in period clothing walking around the building. They have also seen her peering through the windows. Its said the ghost appears and disappears before their eyes.

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