Some witness have seen a lady in white haunting the old auditorium of Anchorage’s West High School. The highschool is located on the south bluff overlooking Westchester Lagoon. The Lady in White has been seen time and time again for decades. She is sometimes seen standing in silence among the seats of the empty auditorium as if she is waiting for the show to begin, sometimes just escaping through corridors as if she is running from something, sometimes lurking around the corners backstage or in the dimly lit basement halls.
“I’ve never, ever seen a ghost in there and I can’t say I even believe in ghosts,” West theater teacher David Block told some of his past students. “I haven’t ever seen her, but enough people have seen her that I have to believe that something is going on.”
Block does however admit that the sightings do have an almost unbelievable consistency. He says that it is always a female who is wearing whispy white clothes and she always slips just out of sight when the witness attempts to investigate closer. There have been many reports which have varied from school staff to students. There have been several school officials, students who hadn’t previously known of the legend and even visitors. A good portion of the witnesses claim have no knowlede of the lady in white prior to their reporting of the encounter.
The lady in white however is not alone in her haunting of the West Highschool. Another phantom encounter has been reported of a former janitor who has been long deceased. The janitor was seen many times sweeping the lobby when no one should have been present. There have also been several reports of poltergeist type activities, such as footsteps clacking in empty halls, slamming doors, lights switching flickering on and off and even toilets flushing with no one in the bathrooms.
It was once reported that a stage-manager saw a student open an off-limits backstage door during a dress rehearsal and almost jumped out of her skin from fright. When the manager who saw her opened the door into the same space to confront the student for violating the rules, he saw that no one was there.
Another report is that two assistant principals and a security guard were shaken-up when a figure in white flashed by them in the dark, narrow corridor behind the balcony.
“To this day, one of those assistant principals will not talk about what happened, he simply refuses to discuss it,” Block said. “Even I don’t like going into the passage behind the balcony”.
Another incident is that a student was entering the supposedly empty theater last year with a group of classmates and she noticed a woman in white clothes standing above them glaring down from a balcony. When she motioned to her friend and asked, “Do you see her?”, the woman had vanished.
The student knew nothing of the legend of “the lady in white” before seeing her in the balcony.
This school is definitely experiencing a poltergeist armed with several spirits. As there is yet another story of a different spirit. The school has a basement vault which was formerly used as a rifle range but is now filled with props and costumes for plays. One time a female student reported that she had opened a door into a small side room and was screamed because she saw scary and strange man glaring at her. Some say that it could have been the janitor’s spirit but the girl claimed he was not wearing a janitor’s uniform.
One student threatened to drop the teacher’s class after hearing his story.
Block has admittedly spent time alone in the theater and sometimes at night he has heard footsteps up in the haunted corridor.
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