Ghost Stories from Missouri


The Gravestones of John B and Julia Olivia Sarpy Morrison

The Gravestones of John B and Julia Olivia Sarpy Morrison.

Two of the most poignant grave markers in the Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri mark the graves of two young children, John B, who died in Aug. 13, 1876 at the age of 6, and that of his sister Julia Olivia, who died in 1870 at the age of 3. The children’s mother Julia Ann Adele Morrison (nee Sarpy) was a descendant of Madame Chouteau, the wife of August Chouteau, founder of St. Louis.
Each child’s grave has a white marble monument which is carved into likenesses of Julia and J.B. The little girl is shown sitting in her crib, her head tilted slightly upward with her hand clutching a rattle.
Young J.B. is propped up in a wheelchair, partially covered by a blanket with a hand dangling over one side.

Until her death in 1925, the children’s mother Julia kept the grave-sites covered during the winter months. She was also known to have been a frequent visitor to the cemetery and she would often bring the children’s toys and personal items with her, arranging them carefully around the graves. It is a scene that stirs a visitor’s feelings of sympathy for all parents who have lost young children.


The Goat Man’s Grave of Rolla, Missouri

Goat-Man’s  Grave – Located in Rolla, Mo

Between Rolla and St. James is Pine Hill Cemetery, home of the legend of the Goat-Man. This area is also known as Spook Hollow by the residents of St. James. Most visitors to this cemetery after dark have reported seeing phantom cars that fly down the road and then disappear. Photos taken in the area won’t develop and flashlights stop working altogether. Down the other side of the road lie the remains of an old bus. Red glowing eyes have been seen from the bus, although some believe it is light refraction from broken glass. The bus apparently at one time was the home of a vagrant psychopath. Many visitors describe feelings of being watched and uneasiness around the bus area. Could his spirit be watching from the bus or is it light refraction? No one knows for sure. Other phenomenon include the strange footprints of the Goat-Man. They’re supposedly larger than a bear’s and don’t resemble anything human. These footprints have been seen all over the cemetery. Legend has it that the Goat-Man was born to a witch who practiced satanism. She is supposedly buried in the cemetery as well. Strange, in human voices have been heard as well. People who don’t respect the cemetery have been known to leave the cemetery with burn marks on their clothes and scratch marks on their arms and legs. There is also a local man who takes it upon himself to scare away trespassers. Many attribute the phantom cars to him. He is considered dangerous and not to be messed with. Maybe he’s protecting the secrets of the Goat-Man’s grave.
